KINHS Courses
KINHS offer the following program
04 years Generic BSN Degree
02 years LHV program
02 years Pharmacy B program

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Matric Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology as compulsory subjects). /
FSc (Pre-Medical) with 50% marks minimum (Physics, Chemistry & Biology as compulsory subjects). /
Age Limit: 17-35 years. /
Should be Pakistani from any region of Pakistan. /
Pass the entry test (KMUCAT)

Lady Health Visitors (LHV)
Applicant must meet one of the following academic levels. /
FSc (Pre-Medical) with 45% marks minimum (Physics, Chemistry & Biology as compulsory subjects). /
Matric (Science) with 45 % marks minimum (Physics, Chemistry & Biology as compulsory subjects). /
Age Limit: 14-35 years

Pharmacy B (CAT-B)
SSC Pass. /
Age Limit: No Age Limit
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